What We’ve Done
Since 1996 we have been making connections between people and places. Listed below are examples of our work by theme with links to published resources and reports where possible. If you have any questions about these projects or wish more information please contact us.
- Common Access (2024-2026) – DHC is leading one of the work packages in this research project commissioned under the EU Delivering Urban Transitions programme. Working with partners across Europe the project seeks to identify how to use commoning business models to improve accessibility.
- Pathfinder for Bus Service Delivery in the TACTRAN Area (2023-24) – This project identified how the Tayside Regional Transport Partnership in Scotland could improve bus services in their area to tackle the long term decline in service use with a fresh approach to manage growth.
- Net-Zero Transport for West Dunbartonshire (2021) – West Dunbartonshire Council commissioned us to refresh their approaches to transport to achieve consistency with the Council’s goals for net-zero emissions by 2045.
- The Case for Personalised Walk to School Promotion (2021) – Walking charity Living Streets commissioned us to review their walk to school programmes to identify the approaches that work best.
- Access to Healthcare in North West Scotland (2020) – A partnership led by HITRANS and NHS Highland was seeking to co-design future access solutions with the local community so this project helped the partners to identify a shared action plan with over 20 new projects to improve the equity, efficiency and sustainability of access.
- How the Pedestrian Environment Improves Bus Connectivity (2019) – Assisting with the development of a Bus Stop Walkability audit approach for walking charity Living Streets.
- Inner Moray Firth Transport Mode Choice (2019) – Highland Council are refreshing the statutory development plan for the area and wanted to understand how land use planning could help to make transport more sustainable so this review identified the scale of change that should be possible over the period of the plan from which the draft plan developed.
- Travel Time Delays and Competitiveness (2018) – The relationships between travel delays and competitiveness are complex. In a recent project for the Office of the Road and Rail Regulator (ORR), delays on the strategic road network across Europe were compared.
- Argyll Islands Air Services Review (2018) – The public services obligation air services to the Argyll Islands in Scotland were due to be retendered by the Council. This project reviewed the use and prospects for the services to inform the new contract.
- Pharmacy Access Scheme (2012- 2018) – Assisting the Department for Health and Social Care to develop the pharmacy grant scheme to maintain and improve access to pharmacy services in England.
- Regenerating Towns with Local Rewards and Incentives (2013) – The towns and places toolkit has been developing since 2008 and this upgrade to the technologies was and marketing approaches was made to support projects in Linlithgow to manage incentives for net-zero transport including a new music festival.
- National Accessibility and Connectivity Statistics (2006- 2017) – The accessibility statistics are published annually as part of national statistics to show the travel time to key services from each part of England. DHC helped DfT design these statistics and assisted with their calculation progressively helping DfT to move towards in house calculation over more than a decade. DHC also now publishes indicators in a variety of other formats to support development and transport planning. Contact us for further details. This project was featured in Local Transport Today (read here).
- The Future Market Potential for Mobility as a Service (2015) – Working with companies being sponsored by Scottish Enterprise to develop new mobility services for transport. The project including this scoping of market opportunities. Project Pandora report.
- Joint Retail Loyalty and Smart Ticketing in Wigan (2013) (PDF, 549 KB) – After 5 years the research into integrating retail rewards and smarter travel in Wigan was completed. The Project Summary Report shows that targeted integration of transport has great potential for the future.
- Developing a Community Transport Strategy in the Highlands (2013) – Our work has assisted the Council consult with local interested parties as part of the development of a new strategy for CT.
- Smarter Choices Smarter Places (2013) – The results of the four year project to monitor and evaluate smarter travel in seven demonstration towns in Scotland has been completed.
- Review of Evening Bus Services (2012) – Our analysis for the Highlands Council helped to identify the benefits of evening bus services to assist with service planning and rationalisation. The work included surveys of users, analysis of service usage and appraisal of social and economic benefits.
- UK Travel Time Maps and Data (2011) – DHC has pioneered accessibility modelling and mapping and now offers off the shelf indicators and maps to suit every budget. Loop Connections retails products for travel planning, development planning and local transport planning.
- Smart Ticketing for the Mobile Generation (2011) – DHC has developed a pioneering approach to make connections between information, payment and sustainable travel choices.
- Road Congestion impacts on accessibility (2011) – The 2010 core accessibility indicators are published as part of national statistics to show the travel time to key services from each part of England. DHC also now publishes indicators in a variety of other formats to support development and transport planning. Contact us for further details.
- The Value of Community Transport in the Highlands and Islands (2011) (PDF, 1388 KB) – Our analysis for the Highlands and Islands Councils and Hitrans shows that community transport can be part of the solution to better value rural transport. The report defines a new approach for appraising community and social benefits in transport appraisal.
- Accessibility Planning Practice in the EU (2011) – DHC is contributing to a two year EC funded project looking at best practice in accessibility planning.
- National Accessibility Statistics (2011) – In a major refresh of data sources for national accessibility statistics DHC helped the UK DfT with the preparation of new national statistics that used vehicle tracking data to calibrate vehicle speeds and new weightings to represent temporal effects and the deterrence of travel for each population group.
- Lower Cost Rural Accessibility (2010) – DHC and the TAS Partnership developed guidance for the Local Government Improvement and Development Agency on how to maintain rural accessibility with falling public budgets.
- State of the Countryside Accessibility Analysis 2010 – The 2010 State of the Countryside report uses analysis by DHC to show how for some services accessibility by road and public transport has been improving, but for others there has been a decline. The Changing Face of Rural Services.
- Congestion Matters in Wales (2010) – Analysis using GPS tracking of vehicles shows that congestion affects access to services for different house addresses in different ways. Journey times were calculated to the nearest 10 destinations for nine service types for 23 time periods throughout the day.
- Action Learning and Guidance on Rural Accessibility (2009) – This analysis for I&DEA the Local Government Improvement Agency and for DfT worked with English Local Authorities to help them tackle accessibility problems in their areas. The report on the action learning demonstrates how to overcome barriers to access through many case study reports.
- Review of Passenger Transport in County Louth (2009) – This project is being undertaken with Fitzpatrick Associates and is reviewing accessibility for residents of County Louth in Ireland. The work is analysing accessibility opportunities, surveying the local community and developing proposals to improve the management of services in the area.
- Rural Employability (2009) – This analysis for Loughborough University and the Commission for Rural Communities is looking at the relationship between transport provision and employment opportunities in different types of rural areas.
- Travel times to airports (2009) – This analysis for the DfT looked at the choices available to residents of the UK when accessing airports by public transport and various times of day and night. The largest airports do not always have the best public transport services.
- Swestrans Equalities (2009) – To support the regional transport strategy in south west Scotland survey work was undertaken on behalf of the regional transport partnership, Swestrans. This work is helping to understand the travel needs of diversity groups to ensure equality of travel opportunities in the area.
- Rail Station Choice (2009) – To assist DfT, Atkins, Mott MacDonald and Jacobs with their PLANET modelling of rail network capacity, travel times to rail stations across central and northern England were calculated by car, cycle, bus and walking. This showed the choices that customers face when deciding which station to use when accessing the national rail network. The work ensures that access to the rail network is included more accurately resulting in more robust modelling of rail travel demand.
- Calculation of 2008 Core National Accessibility Indicators (2009) – The 2008 indicators introduce a wider range of indicator types to add flexibility to the use of the national indicators and build on the progress already made supporting in delivering Local Area Agreements across England.
- Calculation of 2005 and 2007 Core National Accessibility Indicators (2008) – This work builds upon the previous National Indicator calculations using updated and revised information and datasets. DHC continues to co-ordinate the consultancy team consisting of Catalyst Framework consultant, Dotted Eyes, and IT, software and data specialists, Automatica.
- Wales Indicators of Multiple Deprivation (2008) – DHC developed previous work conducted for the Welsh Assembly Government, calculating new accessibility indicators which will be used as part of the Welsh 2008 Index of Multiple Deprivation.
- TACTRAN Regional Transport Strategy (2008) – Together with SDG, DHC are advising TACTRAN on developments to their Regional Transport Strategy. DHC are identifying how Community Transport (CT) and Demand Responsive Transport (DRT) services can be developed to fill gaps in conventional Public Transport networks.
- Dundee Community Transport (2008) – This project for Dundee Accessible Transport Forum assessed how to deliver affordable door to door transport for older and disabled people in Dundee. By reviewing the gaps in Dundee’s Public Transport networks and the potential demand for trips, DHC identified a new delivery model working closely with the City Council.
- Personalised Journey Plans to Glasgow Hospitals (2008) – This project for SPT designed a practical approach to offer personalised Public Transport Information to help people get to health appointments.
- Safe Routes to Public Transport (2008) – In this work for SPT, DHC looked at how a partnership approach can be developed to improve access to bus stops and railway stations.
- Edinburgh West End Traffic Surveys (2008) – This work has been commissioned by a West End residents’ association to monitor changes in traffic flows as part of the Edinburgh Tram developments. DHC are currently undertaking a series of traffic surveys before, during and after the Shandwick Place road closure, to identify whether there has been a change in local traffic patterns.
- Transport with Care (2007) – This project for NHS Dumfries and Galloway, the Scottish Executive Efficient Government Unit, the Scottish Ambulance Service, and Dumfries and Galloway Council is managing the delivery of integrated high care needs transport in Dumfries and Galloway.
- Review of Invernet Rail Services (2007) – This project for the Highland Rail Partnership is reviewing the impacts of the Invernet commuter rail services to Inverness, and suggesting how further changes could help to grow the market for rail travel.
- Recommendations for Improving Local Transport Policy and Delivery (2007) (PDF, 206 KB) – This work for the British Council of Shopping Centres involved formulating and drafting their response to the 2007 UK White Paper.
- Accessibility Modelling in New Zealand (2007) (PDF, 361 KB) – Together with Steve Abley transport Consultancy, DHC is identifying how accessibility planning and modelling can best be taken forward in New Zealand.
- Consumer Needs for Access to Market Based Services (2007) – This project for the National Consumer Council investigated how current accessibility planning frameworks might be revised to better improve access to privately provided services.
- Appraisal of Economic and Location Impacts of Dualling the A9 Perth to Inverness Trunk Road (2007) – This project for HITRANS in being undertaken jointly with Scott Wilson and is considering the ways in which the A9 trunk road affects business viability and growth.
- Highlands and Islands Air Discount Scheme (2007) – DHC assessed the impact of the introduction of discounted air fares for residents of the Highlands and Islands.
- Rural and Community Transport Project in Northumberland (2007) – This project is being undertaken with the TAS Partnership and Richard Armitage Transport Consultancy. The work is seeking to foster a viable and sustainable approach to rural transport by growing the Community Transport sector in the area.
- Developing Community Transport in Glasgow (2007) (PDF, 563 KB) – This work was undertaken for Glasgow City Council to identify how the Community Transport sector could become more successful at closing gaps in transport provision in Glasgow.
- Access Information and Flexibility – the Future of Retail Property (2007) – DHC conducted research into how changes to the UK transport system over the next 10 years will impact on travel to and from retail centres. This work was conducted on behalf of the British Council of Shopping Centres as part of their wider project on the Future of Retail Property.
- Alternative Methods for Assessing Eligibility for Concessionary Travel (2006) – The Mobility and Accessibility Committee for Scotland commissioned DHC to identify areas, or other services, which could demonstrate where social models of disability were being used to assess a disabled person’s eligibility for access to free/assisted services.
- Evaluation of the Economic and Social Impacts of the Skye Bridge (2006) – This work for Highlands and Islands Enterprise and HITRANS is reviewing how ferry, bridge and price changes have affected travel patterns in the ten years since the Skye bridge opened.
- Investigation into the Travel Behaviour of Visitors to Scotland (2006) – This project with Strathclyde University for the Scottish Executive examined travel behaviour data, policies and theory to understand the factors affecting tourist travel.
- Park and Ride Evaluation and Development in Aberdeenshire (2005) – For Aberdeenshire Council as part of the SustAccess initiative. This project reviewed park and ride options and opportunities covering both theory and practice. It included user and operator surveys and made suggested for future development.
- Community Transport and Social Inclusion (2005) – Project for the Department for Transport, with TAS Partnership, to understanding the extent and contribution of community transport to social inclusions and ways that this can be better evaluated and monitored in the future.
- Access to Services in East Dunbartonshire (2005) – DHC helped the Council to develop plans to improve access to health, work and other services for priority groups within the area. By working within community planning structures for stakeholder involvement the project developed an accessibility plan to tackle current and growing problems.
- Impacts of ICT on travel behaviour in Scotland (2005) – This research for the Scottish Executive reviewed existing research, multiple data sources and economic forecasts to estimate the overall impact of e-behaviour change on travel.
- Edinburgh Airport Rail Link (2005) – For Transport Initiatives Edinburgh Ltd./Scott Wilson Consultants. Economic and location impacts, and accessibility and social inclusion impact effects were analyses and appraised for this £500m scheme. The work also involved consulting with relevant agencies, developing an accessibility model and testing the economic, social and distribution of various approaches to the project delivery.
- Evaluating the School Travel Co-ordinator Initiative (2005) – DHC investigated the role of School Travel Co-ordinators (STCs) for the Scottish Executive, including reviewing the coverage and effectiveness of school travel planning.
- Development and Transport in the Inner Moray Firth (2005) – This project for Highlands and Islands Enterprise reviewed the implications of planned development in the Inner Moray Firth, particularly on the strategic road network.
- Dualling the A9 and A96 (2005) – A review and cost estimate was undertaken for Highlands and Islands Enterprise of the scale of the task involved in dualling routes to Inverness.
- State of the Art Review of Accessibility Planning and Modelling (2005) – As part of a EPSRC funded social accessibility modelling project led by University of Westminster, DHC undertook a review of accessibility planning and modelling techniques.
- Merseyside Demand Responsive Transport Review (2005) (PDF, 60KB) – Examined the operation of dial-a-ride, joblink, taxi and other existing demand responsive services in Merseyside and made recommendations for improvements. The work involved identifying gaps in fixed bus service networks and reviewed the costs and operations of public transport in different locations. The work also explored the potential for coordination in the delivery of DRT and improved linkages with other service providers, including Ambulance Services, Community Transport operators, and Social Services.
- Merseyside Travelwise Individualised Marketing Project (2005) – DHC designed and delivered and individualised marketeing project including personalised travel planning for a target population of 20,000 households on Merseyside.
- Pedestrian Crossing Assessments in West Lothian (2005) – This project reviewed the location and design of zebra and pelican crossings in the West Lothian area to ensure that pedestrians of all ages could walk safely to shops, school and other local services and activities. Various changes were recommended and implemented to improve efficiency and safety.
- Review of Patient Transport Works Project (2005) – Project for Greater Easterhouse Development Company and NHS Glasgow linking an employability initiative with improved cancer paitient transport.
- Scottish Household Survey Topic report – Accessibility and Transport (2004-05) (PDF, 108KB) – Project for the Scottish Executive with Napier University. Making connections between policy-driven and data-driven approaches to accessibility problems.
- Access to Healthcare in Southport and Formby (2004-5) (PDF, 258KB) – This project for Merseytravel and Southport and Formby Primary Care Trust (PCT) identified ways to tackle accessibility and social inclusion in the Southport and Formby area.
- Transport and Rural Economies (2004-05) – This work for the Countryside Agency reviewed how local and strategic accessibility affected the economic prospects for communities through economic linkages for access to work and other services. It developed understanding of the ways in which transport interacts with the wider economy and how to take account of these interactions in community and transport planning.
- Extension of Bus Service Operators Grant (BSOG) to Community Transport (2004-2005) – For the Department of Transport, Scottish Executive and the Welsh Assembly Government. The Bus Service Operators Grant Regulations 2002 set down the entitlement for services operated under section 19 of the Transport Act 1985 to gain access to BSOG funding and this project reviewed the effectiveness of the mechanism.
- Multi-Operator Ticketing (2004-2006) (PDF, 80KB) – To identify the value that users place on the availability of multi-operator tickets (MOTs) for DfT, the project reviewed best practice on the provision of MOTs and the evidence from take up and sales. Operators, PTEs, councils and other agencies were consulted to identify a practical way forward.
- Demand Responsive Travel Review (2004) – For the Scottish Executive. The work reviewed best practice on DRT delivery, including reviewing many existing schemes and pilot projects. National guidance on developing and implementing DRT within transport systems was also prepared.
- Glasgow Community Transport Healthchecks (2004) (PDF, 90KB) – The study for the Glasgow Community Transport Operators Group involved reviewing the administration and management of Community Transport Operators in Glasgow.
- Improving Accessibility and Social Inclusion for Glasgow, Edinburgh, and Aberdeen Airports (2004) – BAA Scottish Airports commissioned this work as part of their site travel planning to identify how to improve access to employment opportunities and catchments for the airports.
- Cost Factors in Accessibility Planning in Greater Manchester (2004) for GMPTE and DfT. This investigated how cost barriers faced by different groups of people could be considered more effectively in transport and accessibility planning. The work reviewed data sources to identify the barriers and problems, and different ways of tackling identified problems.
- Reliability Factors in Accessibility Planning in Greater Manchester (2004) (PDF, 473KB) – For GMPTE and DfT. This investigated how transport reliability barriers faced by different groups of people could be considered more effectively in transport and accessibility planning. The work reviewed data sources to identify the barriers and problems, and different ways of tackling identified problems.
- Crime Reduction on and around Public Transport in Middlesborough (2004) (PDF, 322 KB) – Analysed and mapped by DHC as part of a project by the University of Westminster for DfT. This investigated how crime and the fear of crime could be better understood, researching piloting measures to tackle barriers to travel as part of a local accessibility plan.
- Appraisal of Laurencekirk station reopening (2004) (PDF, 146KB) – DHC assisted Scott Wilson in the appraisal of the reopening of this station in Aberdeenshire, by developing an accessibility model for North East Scotland and appraising economic development and accessibility impacts.
- Accessibility audit for public transport plan in Aberdeen (2004) This work, for Aberdeen City Council, examined the accessibility impacts of an interchange at Foresterhill healthcare campus. The accessibility implications of potential changes to bus services and the development of a major new interchange were analysed.
- Access to Food in Knowsley (2004) (PDF, 258KB) – This project for Merseyside Future Healthcare Project surveyed the availability of fresh food and mapped accessibility for local residents to these shops.
- Transport Needs in Scotland’s First National Park (2004) (PDF, 136KB) – This project for the Loch Lomond and The Trossachs National Park authority involved surveys and consultation with residents, businesses and public agencies stakeholders to develop recommendations for transport and accessibility improvements.
- Community and Demand Responsive Transport in the Highlands (2004) – DHC and the TAS Partnership investigated the role of Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE) in developing Community and Demand Responsive Transport in the Highlands.
- Transport Factors Affecting Patient Attendance (2004) (PDF, 94KB) – This project for DfT, Lincolnshire County Council and the North West Strategic Health Authority used focus groups and correlations of patient attendance data with accessibility to identify the relationship between transport and missed appointments.
- Value of Cycling in the Highlands and Islands (2004) (PDF, 110KB) – For Highland Cycle Forum and Highland Council. This project involved analysis of the economic benefits of cycling for health, transport, and tourism sectors. Recommendations were made on ways to take forward action to improve the value of increased cycling.
- Relocation of the Royal Liverpool Hospital (2004) (PDF, 363KB) – For North Mersey Future Healthcare project and DfT. The work examined options for hospital relocation by mapping the accessibility of alternative options.
- Demand Responsive Transport in Aberdeenshire (2003-2006) – This project reviewed transport needs in rural Aberdeenshire and developed and designed DRT to close the gaps in network coverage. DRT implementation was reviewed and monitored.
- Co-ordinating Individual Action Programmes – CO-OPERATE (2003-04) (PDF, 67KB) – This project for DfT and EPSRC reviewed techniques for widening ownership of transport problems and solutions. The work identified practical approaches for understanding motivations and harnessing them towards transport delivery. Additional CO-OPERATE papers are also available.
- Developing and Piloting Accessibility Planning (2003-2004) – DHC led the development and piloting of accessibility planning in England for the DfT to implement the findings of the Social Exclusion Unit report on “Making the Connections”. The work supported the development of guidance for English local authorities on accessibility planning processes.
- Accessibility in the Scottish Transport Appraisal Guidance (STAG) (2003) (PDF, 84KB) – Developing guidance on accessibility and social inclusion appraisal within Scottish Transport Appraisal Guidance (STAG) for the Scottish Executive. The work clarified how accessibility fits within appraisal and, provided examples of best practice in analysing accessibility and distributional issues.
- Argyll and Bute Rural Transport Co-ordination (2003) – This project (for Napier University on behalf of Argyll and Bute Council and others) reviewed transport co-ordination and integration approaches and considered scope for greater integration of funding and administration of services in remote parts of the Council area including community transport.
- Overcoming Barriers to Modal Shift (2003) (PDF, 80KB) – Undertaken to inform Scottish Executive policy on barriers to travelling by public transport, walking and cycling and made particular recommendations for policy change on public transport and delivery of travel awareness initiatives.
- Evaluation of Health and Social Economy Project (2003) (PDF, 110KB) – For Greater Easterhouse Development Company Ltd and NHS Glasgow. The review made recommendations on the integration of social economy initiatives including community transport services within Greater Easterhouse.
- North Sutherland Community Transport Study (2003) (PDF, 97KB) – This work, for Highland Council and North Sutherland Social Inclusion Partnership examined the contribution that SIP funded transport has made to the economic, social and cultural well being of North Sutherland, and to establish the means of sustaining appropriate transport services in this remote rural region.
- Public Transport Coverage in Greater Manchester (2003) (PDF, 127KB) – For Greater Manchester Passenger Transport Executive and DfT this project reviewed approaches for quantifying the utility that local public transport networks provide in getting people to places to which they need, or want, to travel, with a particular emphasis on the needs of socially excluded and “travel poor” groups and communities.
- Children’s Attitudes to Sustainable Transport (2003) – For the Scottish Executive, investigated how educational and other influences on children affect their attitudes and behaviour and why children in Scotland develop different attitudes to transport from their counterparts in other countries.
- Clyde Corridor Transport Study (2003) – This study for Glasgow City Council with Scott Wilson investigated what roads and transport infrastructure and services are necessary to support £2billion development proposals of the Clyde Corridor in Glasgow.
- Rural Access and Lifeline Services in the WESTRANS area (2002-2003) – This project with Colin Buchanan and Partners developed a strategy for tackling rural accessibility problems in west central Scotland for the WESTRANS transport partnership.
- City Region Boundaries Study (2002) – This work for the Scottish Executive and looked at travel to work patterns, transport links, housing market areas and retail catchments for each of Scotland’s four largest cities. It was used to inform the national review of strategic planning and the national cities review.
- Accessibility Analysis for the New Transport Initiative in Edinburgh (2002) – This project audited the equity impacts of the road charging proposals in Edinburgh. By looking at geographical areas and people groups affected by the proposals, recommendations were made on the transport projects necessary to deliver a more equitable scheme.
- Development of an Accessibility Model for Strathclyde Passenger Transport Executive (2002) – This project with Steer Davis Gleave assessed accessibility modelling needs for SPT, and specified how these could be met through the development of an accessibility model.
- Review of School Travel (2001) (PDF, 214 KB) – For the Scottish School Travel Advisory Group, this project examined best international practice to help inform the recommendations of the Advisory group to ministers.
- Settlements Services and Access (2001-2004) – This project with Aberdeen University and UK government departments led by Treasury, reviewed the cross-sectoral nature of accessibility concepts and developed a methodological approach for evaluating accessibility related policies.
- Planning and Transport in Wales (2001) – For the Welsh Assembly Government with Steer Davies Gleave. As part of the development of the national spatial strategy in Wales this research reviewed data availability and accessibility measuring techniques that could be used in land use planning by each tier of government.
- Strategic Accessibility Analysis for the Edinburgh and Lothians Structure Plan (2001) – This work was used to define an integrated approach to land use and transport for the new Structure Plan taking account of economic and social policy aims. Quantitative accessibiluty measures were used to compare development locations and transport investment options.
- Central Scotland Transport Corridor Studies (2001) – This work assisted MVA in assessing alternative transport strategies in three motorway corridors around Glasgow for the Scottish Executive. This allowed the distribution of the impacts of the alternative strategies to be assessed.
- Rural Accessibility (2001) – This project for the Scottish Executive involved the development of a robust appraisal methodology for rural transport investment through the Rural Transport Funding Initiative and Rural Community Transport Funding Initiative. It involved research to understand rural travel behaviour and identify how practical and affordable improvements can be delivered.
- Review of Scottish Cycle Challenge (2000) – This research for the Scottish Executive reviewed the technical, legislative, policy and administrative lessons which could be learned for developing cycling in Scotland based on 35 demonstration projects.
- Review of Accessibility Measuring techniques and their Application (2000) – To support the joint needs of the Scottish Executive planning policy and transport policy departments the project reviewed options for measuring accessibility and their implementation in national policy. The work included software development for indicator calculation and preparation of national guidance on accessibility planning techniques.
- Clackmannanshire Transport Strategy (2000) – This work involved the drafting of the strategy and development of practical and fundable proposals including partnership working with health and social inclusion initiatives in the area.
- Stirling-Alloa-Kincardine Railway Re-opening (1999-2001) – This project for Clackmannanshire Council reviewed stakeholder perspectives on funding and delivery options. The work involved cost benefit analysis and preparation of funding proposals.
- Review and Guidance on Safer Routes to School (1997-1998) (PDF, 90KB) – This research for the Scottish Executive recommended a more integrated approach to planning school transport and developed national guidance on how to achieve best practice. The approach became central to integrating Scotland’s road safety and sustainable transport strategies.
- Integrated Transport and Economic Development (1997) – A review for Scottish Enterprise of the implications of the integrated transport white paper for economic development activity across Scotland. The work including reviewing the linkages between transport and economic development and how the activities of the Enterprise Network related to these.
- Skye Bridge Socio-Economic Impact Study (1997) – This project for the Scottish Executive was undertaken jointly with TRL and ITS Leeds and identified the ways in which the Skye bridge was affecting the local economy and community in the region.
- Review of Transport Policy and Research Needs (1996-97) – A review was undertaken for the World Wildlife Fund on the challenges facing transport policy and recommending how a more evidence based approach could be adopted to policy. The work involved, an extensive literature review and consultation with relevant agencies.