Accessibility Analysis for the New Transport Initiative in Edinburgh

This project identified the distribution of impacts of the NTI in Edinburgh including the road charging proposals. By looking at geographical areas and people groups adversely affected by the initiative recommendations were made on the transport projects necessary to deliver a more equitable scheme.


Accessibility modelling has been used by the City of Edinburgh Council to help plan a fair public transport investment package for the City. The modelling is part of Edinburgh’s New Transport Initiative – a two pronged project proposing major improvements for public transport services and transport infrastructure, and the possible introduction of a congestion charging scheme.

There had been concerns within the South East Scotland Transport Partnership (SESTRAN) that some areas outside the City would suffer from the new charges but would receive little benefit from the public transport investment. The DHC study included sensitivity tests which showed that an equitable package is achievable and that there are positive overall accessibility benefits from the scheme.

The NTI is one of the first major schemes to be appraised under the new draft Scottish Transport Appraisal Guidance (STAG) published this summer. Guidance on accessibility analysis techniques was published last year by the Scottish Executive as part of research by DHC and this is referenced by STAG as best practice.

About the Project

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